Hilde Helsen

Hilde Helsen

BE  58 years old
Hilde, a trained engineer, has a long corporate career in various management and direction positions in large multinationals. In all the positions she held, coaching, transition and personal development became more or more important. “This fascinated me, especially the human aspects.”, she says. She developed a unique coaching approach, whereby the individual and his/her personality is being placed centrally. On this basis she founded TRAJECTUM and, as its director, is responsible for general management, external relations and the selection of the teams of coaches. “I always challenge people to ask themselves what their mastery is, or in other words what they are really good at”. Her motto is ‘Plus est en vous’. Author of the book: DREAMERS who DO with music by Lenny Kravitz

Meeting DREAMERS who DO all over the globe

May-August 2023  •  101 days

100 days travel around the world, meeting old and new friends, deepening and initiating human bonds